The Markets Never Stop. The Stock Lowes And Forward Looking Thinking.
An earning's report came out and some of the reason's the stock dropped made sense. Let me tell you what happened and try to explain why. Lowe's lost over $12.00 in one day on an earnings report. Not many traders bothered to trade it. Here is what the C.E.O said. It is her job to try to try and put was a positive spin on things. Lowes and Home Depot are always difficult to play because their stories can be spun in so many different ways. On a different note the Put options five dollars "out-of-the-money", the 265 series were a cheaper and more profitable way to play the action than the 270 Puts. Learn to pick your battles. Lowes came back a bit the following morning. Home Depot did not as the stock might have dropped in sympathy. Now this. The market never stops. Lowes on the following morning trying to shake off it's earning report. Florida still needs to be cleaned up. Let's see if these Calls will have some strenght.