
Walmart Again

On Monday I did a blog on buying this week's Call options on Walmart. Today is now Thursday and there was a big crash in the markets yesterday. For example, Tesla had an insane selloff. Here is what happened to it. Today it is slightly rebounding as are so many other stocks. Thursdays however as oftened mentioned are not a good time to be purchasing one day options on stocks that expire the next day. So how is any of this revelant to Walmart's trading today? Well, there was a whole bunch other stocks that got knocked yesterday that might now rebound back up again together. Look at the chart below of Walmart and see how it was off a couple of dollars yesterday. Could you buy in now and get out later in the day? Fantasy thinking, one might say. Could it sneak up even one dollar? Now this. The stock mid morning is now merely trading sideways. Now look at this, the 93 series of Calls. (On Monday we were looking at the 94 series of Calls). At 10:22 a.m. the stock is up six cents...

A Week With Boeing Up $35.00

"Boeing" is up over eleven dollars on the day and the DJI is up over 350 points. It's 1:17 p.m. in the afternoon on a Wednesday. What are the odds of being able to make money playing "Boeing Puts" on the downside which expire this Friday? 50:50? The real question is why would you want to? The stock is now up over twelve dollars on the day. Here is the daily chart and here are two near term "Put" option positions. Would now be a good entry point looking for a reversal?
Notice in the twelve minute difference in the period of time between these two printouts "Boeing" has gone up by almost a dollar. Other stocks like "Disney" and "Caterpillar" sometimes have five dollar a day rallies and sometimes they don't stop going up for a couple of days. When a stock goes up twelve dollars in one day you can't really wander in willy nilly hoping for a reversal. Now here is an end of the day chart on "Boeing". Look at what today's "Calls" did. Notice the extremely high number of "Call" options traded.
Now a next day March 11th 10:00 a.m. update. "Boeing" continues to charge up. There doesn't seem to any real news as to why. If your holding "Call" options one of the most difficult things to do is to avoid the temptation to sell out.
What a ride for the "Call" holders. This type of action is someone unusual but "Boeing" is an amazing stock to watch/play when it is on fire. A Friday morning pre-market report. "Boeing" is up something like $35 dollars since Tuesday. Once again what a nice ride for any "Call" holders. Here also is a five day chart after the closing bell.
Now we end the week with the followng news.
Here now again are the March 12 240 "Calls" which are up ten-fold from where they were only a few days ago. Look at Boeing jumping over $17.00 in one day.
What is there to make of all of this? Well, keep this blog in the back of your mind and six or ten or fourteen months down the road when you see it rallying at the start of the week. Don't be afraid to go along for the ride.


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