
Walmart Again

On Monday I did a blog on buying this week's Call options on Walmart. Today is now Thursday and there was a big crash in the markets yesterday. For example, Tesla had an insane selloff. Here is what happened to it. Today it is slightly rebounding as are so many other stocks. Thursdays however as oftened mentioned are not a good time to be purchasing one day options on stocks that expire the next day. So how is any of this revelant to Walmart's trading today? Well, there was a whole bunch other stocks that got knocked yesterday that might now rebound back up again together. Look at the chart below of Walmart and see how it was off a couple of dollars yesterday. Could you buy in now and get out later in the day? Fantasy thinking, one might say. Could it sneak up even one dollar? Now this. The stock mid morning is now merely trading sideways. Now look at this, the 93 series of Calls. (On Monday we were looking at the 94 series of Calls). At 10:22 a.m. the stock is up six cents...

Boeing Exploded upwards and So Few Players Caught The Ride

In a recent Blog I made the comment many options players shy away from playing Boeing Calls. Why? Well it can be a mentality exhausting exercise. Boeing profits suprised this morning. Look at the price increases on some of these Boeing option series. -
These are the Boeing 220 Calls and the ones most likely to be on the radar screen of short term option players. There are only 1,839 outstanding option contracts open on this particular series of options and only 243 contracts traded just after the early release of this news. This are truly insignificant numbers compared to the usual number of outstanding open option positions on stocks like Apple. So the question is why were so few players waiting for this news release and trying to play it with Call options hoping it would go up? Why were expectations so muted? The takeaway. This will go down on the records as being one of the summers of 2021 best option trading situations. Analyst totally got this one wrong. It will also be a wakeup call to the importance of focusing on other near term earning releases. ** to find my most recent blogs like yesterday's blog about Deare scroll up to the top left icon which then takes you to earilier July blogs.


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