
Tesla And The Play Of The Week - An Easy Read.

Here is Telsa's five day chart. Can you see how it spiked to the upside on Friday morning before it tanked? Can you see how as the day progressed it dipped down to the support level of the $210.00 range? Here is its one day chart. Now this. Lucky in all this action are all those individuals who purchased one day Puts on Telsa in the first few minutes of trading. Look at how these Puts reacted. The lows of the day happened in the first few minutes of trading. Look at the pecentage gains. In the last example a $1.00 option went to $190.00 in one day. Catching one trade like this could make up for twenty bad trades. What's all this talk of Ai trading? Moves like this could blow up the exchanges if thousand of trading platforms could recognize this could happen. This was one of the best option trading opportunities of the decade.

Strong Days for The Electric Vehicle Stocks - Well Not Really

Here is a one day printout of some of the electric vehicle stocks I watch. Notice their fifty-two week highs. Many of these stocks are trading near their lows. About six weeks ago many of these stocks were out of fashion based on the thinkings that the batteries they are running on are depleting the world of precious metals and will be difficult to dispose of. Yet consumers still want to go electric and a few companies had good news. Lordstown Motors (Ride) had good news. A year ago a Tiawan company bought their factory and this week that same company (Foxconn) invested more money in them. More details about this follows below. Lucid had good news. A Saudi public investment fund is its majority shareholder, and committed to putting in more cash this past week. Rivian's $32 billion market cap and Lucid's $22 billion market cap suggest that investors think they'll make it. Nikola has a market cap of just over $1 billion, its own truck plant, and $400 millian in cash, enough to get them through 2023.
Then there is Sono Motors. I have talked about them before. Their stock has recently tanked.
Yet the stock jumped on Friday.
What's going on with Sono? Whoppie Goldburg says that she likes them and wants one.
Now more about Fisker.
Fisker is abut to start production but Magna International (MGA) will handle their production. Pick a few of these companies and sign up to their mailing lists. There is so much to learn about.


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