
Towards Understanding The Usefullnes Of Long Term Call Options

What do you think of this chart? It's Moderna. It's going to do something but what is it going to do? Up or down and what time horizon should we be looking at? Should it be two days, a week or perhaps two or three months? Here is the chatter about it. Moderna got smoked and now its time to get over it. It's that simple. Here now is how it is trading the morning after. For option traders this is kind of a "no win" situation. Yes it could move up but it could also start to waiver again. Stay away. Now Moderna on the following day. Here is a new chart to look at. Here is what caused the dip. It has had a good run. So now what? Maybe the longer term Calls? Maybe however there is a problem with them. Built into the equasion on both of these stocks is the mindset that they are both going to recover from these tumbles. Look at how expensive these two different series of twelve dollars "out-of-the-money" Call options are on Eli Lilly. It's ridiculous....

Ford and The Call and Put Option Game On It Has Slightly Changed.

Look at this chart. Do you recognize something a little bit different in the striking prices? They have changed and here is proof.
Forget playing the 12, the 12.50, the 13 and the 13.50. Calls or Puts. Now they are all 11.85, 12.35, 12.85, 13.35 Calls or Puts. What is now different is that the striking prices have now shifted downwards by .15 cents or upwards by .35 cents depending on how you look at it. Does it make any difference to option players? Has it become slightly more challenging to do the math? Not really as everything functions just the same. Just learn to get use to it. That said, here is how the stock Ford is now trading in February. .
Now look at these same Call options on the morning of Tuesday February 22nd two trading days later.
The market tanked on Monday and the executives at Ford are making comments that are casting their operating realities in a bad light. Institutional investors have limited patience for these kinds of outbursts.
Then this.
Ford's public relations department needs to coach their management to button their lips. Here now is a printout of the same Call options we showed above two days later. They have tanked.
The bottom line is the playing Call and Put options on Ford can be a wild game when there are so many moving parts in play. Yet then again these price gyrations make for interesting trading opportunities. Don't be afraid to play them.* The longer term Call and Put options like the Ford 12 and 13 and 14 Calls remain "as is". It's only so far, the near term Call and Puts options that have the new striking prices.


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