
Opportunities Presented by Options on $30.00 Stocks.

Let's start with this chart. It's Pfizer. Would you have expected a pop like this, this morning? Now look at what the Call options did. I don't want to get into a discussion of "Can you read charts" however after one nice rally yesterday and second follow up rally could be expected. The 29.50 series of Calls doubled on a strong opening this morning. "Out-of-the-money" Calls on stocks in the thirty dollar price range call sometimes suprise.

Deere and Company and a Bounce On Earnings

Deere bounced on Friday on earning reports. On Thursday the stock closed at $372.27 and the 370 Calls which expired the next day closed at $875.00 That's kind of rich, right? Now here is what happened.
Now the 370 Call option series.
Remember that the 370 Calls closed at $875.00 the previous day. Look at how they jumped to just over $22.00 on the opening bell. Over a double on your money. Profit takers then came in to drive the price down as this was expected news. Some traders play options like this. Others do spreads, where they will sell an "out-of-the money" Call and an "out-of-the-money" Put that expire in one day on Deere at the same time and hope they both expire worthless. More about that knd of trading at a later date.


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