
Walmart Again

On Monday I did a blog on buying this week's Call options on Walmart. Today is now Thursday and there was a big crash in the markets yesterday. For example, Tesla had an insane selloff. Here is what happened to it. Today it is slightly rebounding as are so many other stocks. Thursdays however as oftened mentioned are not a good time to be purchasing one day options on stocks that expire the next day. So how is any of this revelant to Walmart's trading today? Well, there was a whole bunch other stocks that got knocked yesterday that might now rebound back up again together. Look at the chart below of Walmart and see how it was off a couple of dollars yesterday. Could you buy in now and get out later in the day? Fantasy thinking, one might say. Could it sneak up even one dollar? Now this. The stock mid morning is now merely trading sideways. Now look at this, the 93 series of Calls. (On Monday we were looking at the 94 series of Calls). At 10:22 a.m. the stock is up six cents...


Very few option contracts trade on Toyota. I have wondered why and offer one potential explanation. It's listed on multiple exchanges around the world and "option makers" in North America are basically just following the action. If the markets open stronger in North America that means Toyota traded stronger overnight on markets overseas. Secondly, the Calls and Puts trade in incriments of five dollars.There are for example 135 Calls, 140 Calls, 145 Calls. Having a five dollar spread wipes out the incentive try to daytrade option series which are soon to expire. If the stock moves from 142 to 143 the "bids and asks" on a 140 series of Calls might hardly change. It's not like trading the stock like Boeing where you can get in and out with option series set up in increments of $2.50 . Here is it's one month charts. The company now has a new C.E.O who is getting criticized for not moving to go electric quickly enough.
What I am now about to show you might discredit some of my above points. It's a five day chart on Toyota and look how all the action seems to happen on the opening. Why? It's the effect of overnight trading on other markets. Our North American trading follows Toyota's overseas market trading.
Now back to my point of how contracts trade. A volume of three and twelve contracts in the 140 Calls and Puts series that expire soon. Look at how wide apart the "bids and asks" are and how low the outstanding number of open contracts are. It's crazy.
Toyota is a great company. It's just not one that attracts option players.


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