
Walmart Again

On Monday I did a blog on buying this week's Call options on Walmart. Today is now Thursday and there was a big crash in the markets yesterday. For example, Tesla had an insane selloff. Here is what happened to it. Today it is slightly rebounding as are so many other stocks. Thursdays however as oftened mentioned are not a good time to be purchasing one day options on stocks that expire the next day. So how is any of this revelant to Walmart's trading today? Well, there was a whole bunch other stocks that got knocked yesterday that might now rebound back up again together. Look at the chart below of Walmart and see how it was off a couple of dollars yesterday. Could you buy in now and get out later in the day? Fantasy thinking, one might say. Could it sneak up even one dollar? Now this. The stock mid morning is now merely trading sideways. Now look at this, the 93 series of Calls. (On Monday we were looking at the 94 series of Calls). At 10:22 a.m. the stock is up six cents...

Cat Puts, No Cat Calls

In a past blog Caterpillar averted a strike and it was noted that the stock jumped to the moon on that news. Caterpillar has a large following and likes good news-made in America stories. Biden avoided his government running out of money late Thursday and on Friday the stock Caterpillar jumped to the moon. It opened higher and kept going up.There is no looking back now at what happened.
My May 29th blog talked about how Caterpillar had slight bounce last Friday morning and the light volume of option trading on it. With the stock going sideways to down all that week playing Call options on it was out of fashion. Things changed on Friday June 2nd. Caterpillar bounced. So here now is a look at how two "out-of-the-money" series of Call options traded on it on Friday.
Look at the open interest numbers going into Friday. Two hundred and ninety one contracts. Nobody saw this jump coming which is so strange. Once again they were very light. Few traders were expecting the news to come when it did. This blog could now go in many directions. Last week both Caterpillar and Boeing struggled on the week and option trading volumes dried up. My attitude was not to trade, to wait for better days. I should have known better, the system is a little bit corrupt. Insiders could gain the most from a late Thursday release of good news. A one day pop in the next days options. That is what happened. On Friday the D.J.I. was up over 700 points. The one day options on Caterpillar were star performers. It was the trade-of-the-year on Caterpillar Calls. It doesn't look like any of the 100,000 or whatever the number of brokers and analysis there are out were clued into this action. So strange. * Also think about this. Caterpillar has something like 109,100 employees. They should learn to be part of this action.


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