
Costco Drops On A Friday Opening And McDonald's Goes Up

Here is what happened. Costco goes down on the opening. Charts like this is not pretty. McDonald's goes up. Confused? Why the interest in McDonald's? It's just junk food. If the market rolls over might this stock lose some of it's steam? Now look at these Puts? The volume of trading in them is next to nothing. Without knowing why it's going up makes the purchase of Puts too much of a gamble. Now lets look at these same Puts at 2:24 p.m. They got wiped out. What's Costco doing? Here is where things get interesting. The markets are still strong. Costco is down $74.24 around 2:23 p.m.! It's having a bad day but the stock now seems to be stabilizing. Now this. A look at it's Calls. Remember for retail option traders you're deadline to get out of these "last-day-to-expiring" options is 3:00 p.m. That's only 42 minutes away from the time of this printout.That doesn't give these options much life. Now consider this, after such a se...

The Quebec Government Likes To Get Their Fingers In A Lot Of Pies.

Quebec is going full force on trying to go electric. Read these two clips.
Now this.
If you don't know about the company they make electric snowmobiles and electric jet skis. Yes or no. Would you invest in them and is this a good time to be making such a decision? Well the 15 million they recently raised isn't that much money to run a factory for any lenght of time. Then again, the Government isn't going to cry if they don't get their money back. It looks good on paper to be adding skilled jobs to their labor force. In the spring Taiga issued 43 million dollars in 10% interest convertable bonds. Ouch. They now have to crank up their production number just to pay the interest on these bonds. So many issues are now apparent. The good news is they now finally have two product lines to sell in the recreational vehicle segment of the marketplace. However their research and development costs continue .
Do people have money to buy these types of toys?
What happens to the jet ski part of the equasion in the winter? Do they continue building them or is that part of their operations placed on hold?
How much money is the company spending on research and development and is it enough? As a investor how much tolerance do you have for these kind of start up stories? Is this blog is just another distraction? You decide. It's chart will make many investors want run away. In some ways it should. This has being a tough year in the markets for most investors. Very few investors have appetites for these kinds of situations and some traders have had bad luck trying to trade Quebec based companies in general. Case in point is The Lion Electric Company (LEV). Tiaga's stock price has being in a downward spiral for three years. Here is a three year chart and a three month chart.
What a rough ride it has had.
There are no options on it to play. Imagine buying in a few years ago at over $10.00 a share to lose 90% of your investment? Crazy. Sad. Did the company offer it's shareholders proper guidance? The stock has dropped significantly in the last week on low volumes after making big strides in production numbers earlier this year. My advise is to keep this one your radar screen but don't buy in. A company that never earns a profit will never survive.


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