
Walmart Again

On Monday I did a blog on buying this week's Call options on Walmart. Today is now Thursday and there was a big crash in the markets yesterday. For example, Tesla had an insane selloff. Here is what happened to it. Today it is slightly rebounding as are so many other stocks. Thursdays however as oftened mentioned are not a good time to be purchasing one day options on stocks that expire the next day. So how is any of this revelant to Walmart's trading today? Well, there was a whole bunch other stocks that got knocked yesterday that might now rebound back up again together. Look at the chart below of Walmart and see how it was off a couple of dollars yesterday. Could you buy in now and get out later in the day? Fantasy thinking, one might say. Could it sneak up even one dollar? Now this. The stock mid morning is now merely trading sideways. Now look at this, the 93 series of Calls. (On Monday we were looking at the 94 series of Calls). At 10:22 a.m. the stock is up six cents...

Lets Start With Caterpillar Calls On A Friday Afternoon at 12:08 p.m..

Now this. Call options which expire later in the day.
Now later. Well actually one hour and sixteen minutes later.
Now Telsa.
Now Telsa later.
Now Boeing with a first look starting at 1:22 p.m..
Now thirty minutes later. It's still stuck.
Now for a look at what the markets were doing when we first started this exercise.
Now a look at the markets at 2:00 p.m. about two hours later. It's turning out to be a strong day.
It's two p.m. Some options have doubled since lunch time. Time to exit. Things can get screwy towards the 3.00 pm. deadline for retail investors to get out of option positions. This is a Friday only rule on all options that expire that day. They want you out so that your positions do not gt exercised.Check back later over the weekend to see how these options ended up closing out. Friday Call option trading is not for the weak of heart but it can be a profitable adventure if there is strenght in the markets around lunch time. Now here are the three end of day readings. First Caterpillar. Notice that they hit a high of $2.60
Now Tesla. When we checked them at 2:47 p.m. they were trading near the top range of the day.
Finally Boeing.
A hour in the market holding a Call or Put position that expires that day can seem like an eternity.


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