
Tesla And The Play Of The Week - An Easy Read.

Here is Telsa's five day chart. Can you see how it spiked to the upside on Friday morning before it tanked? Can you see how as the day progressed it dipped down to the support level of the $210.00 range? Here is its one day chart. Now this. Lucky in all this action are all those individuals who purchased one day Puts on Telsa in the first few minutes of trading. Look at how these Puts reacted. The lows of the day happened in the first few minutes of trading. Look at the pecentage gains. In the last example a $1.00 option went to $190.00 in one day. Catching one trade like this could make up for twenty bad trades. What's all this talk of Ai trading? Moves like this could blow up the exchanges if thousand of trading platforms could recognize this could happen. This was one of the best option trading opportunities of the decade.

The Concept of Buying Options on Stocks in the Two and Three Dollar Range. Polestar and GoPro

It's all about leverage and successfully predicting which way a stock is going to move. Guess right and you will win big. Yet wait, why not just purchase the stock and put it away and hope that it's going to go up? That makes more sense. Stocks in the two and three dollar price range can be extremely difficult to play, let alone playing options on them. Let's look at two of these stocks. First Polestar. It has an earnings report call coming out later this week. Take some time and listen to it..
ANOTHER STOCK IN THE LOW PRICE RANGE IS GO PRO. It has struggled over the years. There are reasons to think that the company could be changing it's business model.
Now it's chart.
Now it's one year out Calls with a three dollar striking price.
Brian McGee seems excited. Future income streams is something that adds value to a cause. One year is a long time out in the future. Yet then again if you like stocks in this price range just buy the stock and not it's options. Turnarounds sometimes take years to happen. *A Nov 16th update. (eleven days later).
Both the stock and the Call options have jumped. The three series of Calls have done wonderfully well. Polestar in contrast continues to go sideways.


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