
Tesla And The Play Of The Week - An Easy Read.

Here is Telsa's five day chart. Can you see how it spiked to the upside on Friday morning before it tanked? Can you see how as the day progressed it dipped down to the support level of the $210.00 range? Here is its one day chart. Now this. Lucky in all this action are all those individuals who purchased one day Puts on Telsa in the first few minutes of trading. Look at how these Puts reacted. The lows of the day happened in the first few minutes of trading. Look at the pecentage gains. In the last example a $1.00 option went to $190.00 in one day. Catching one trade like this could make up for twenty bad trades. What's all this talk of Ai trading? Moves like this could blow up the exchanges if thousand of trading platforms could recognize this could happen. This was one of the best option trading opportunities of the decade.

"One-Day" Puts That Crazy People Can Play - Netflix

Read the previous blog first, about Exxon on Friday. The Puts on it's last day before they expire options increased in price in the last few hours of trading. So to did the Puts on Nexflix on that same afternoon. Can you see how it sold off six dollars in the morning trading session (the first chart below) only to rebound almost three dollars? Then the stock got tested again and this time it lost it's steam.
Then what happened? Well here are the 470 Puts at 12:08 p.m. which expire at 3:00 p.m. The stock looks like it is trading in a channel downwards. See the chart below.
What next?
Yes the stock continued to drop approaching the 3:00 p.m. deadline/ expiracy time date. Now look at the same series of Puts at 2:12 p.m. They were trading at $490.00.
Looks so easy right? Let's check out it's five day chart and it's year-to-date chart.
Yes on Friday it looked like it wanted to roll over. * Two things. The reality of trading short options like this. Lock yourself in a room and run a bunch of moniters. Lots of cool stuff can happen on a Friday afternoon. If you going to play in this market focus on stocks in this price range. You need a stock that can swing three or four dollars in one day. Lower priced stocks do not. Big swings at this time of the day - like plus or minus $1.00 swings in fifteen minutes often happen. At some point in time take your profits and turn off your computer. There will always be another trading day. ** On the following day Netflix was down after $12.00 mid afternoon. What a drop.
Keep all of this in mind the next time you are thinking of the stock. It can move quickly.


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