
Costco Drops On A Friday Opening And McDonald's Goes Up

Here is what happened. Costco goes down on the opening. Charts like this is not pretty. McDonald's goes up. Confused? Why the interest in McDonald's? It's just junk food. If the market rolls over might this stock lose some of it's steam? Now look at these Puts? The volume of trading in them is next to nothing. Without knowing why it's going up makes the purchase of Puts too much of a gamble. Now lets look at these same Puts at 2:24 p.m. They got wiped out. What's Costco doing? Here is where things get interesting. The markets are still strong. Costco is down $74.24 around 2:23 p.m.! It's having a bad day but the stock now seems to be stabilizing. Now this. A look at it's Calls. Remember for retail option traders you're deadline to get out of these "last-day-to-expiring" options is 3:00 p.m. That's only 42 minutes away from the time of this printout.That doesn't give these options much life. Now consider this, after such a se...

Cat Puts or Calls - Going Into A Friday Morning.

First, a one day chart of Caterpillar on March 4th.
Now a March 7th five day chart. Can you see how it jumped in the last two days?
Now these closing readings on Thursday.
The above chart shows how the calls traded on the day and below the Puts.
Little volume and low open interest numbers. The real time to be watching these positions wil be thirty minutes into tomorrow's action looking for a reversal. Let's continue. Its Friday morning. Here we have a 9:46 a.m. printout of the 300 series Caterpillar Calls.
Take your profits, go away and forget looking for a reversal. The open interest number indicator doesn't add up. The deadline to get out of option positions on a Friday is 3:30 p.m. Here is readout of how these Calls were trading at 3:08 p.m..
Anyone with the guts to play Puts on the day could have done extremely well. Getting in after 10:a.m. and out around 2:00 p.m..
It baffles me why more traders do not have opportunities like this on their radar screens. Where is all the AI trading? I don't see it here. *** A look at the 340 Calls on Caterpillar on the following Friday, March 15th. It's pretty much the same story. Plenty of action on Friday with a relatively low amount of option trading.


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