
Living on Kraft Dinner?

What does the word disconnect mean? As a verb it means "to sever or interrupt the connection of or between; detach". Option trading - one day options - is a disconnect from the world. What happens to slightly "out-of-the-money" Call options on Costco when the stock shoot up thirty dollars on the day? I will show you what happened on Friday to Costco Calls and the options on a few other stocks I frequently watch. What a disconnect from the real world. But before that a look at how the indexes traded. 1) Costco. It's five day chart and a look at how three of it's option series moved upwards in one day. You may not know how to read these printouts but try to read the highs and lows on these option pricings. One printout shows an "at-the-money" option which means you are buying a contract on the stock, good for one day only at a locked in price equal to (or very close to) what the stock is currently trading at. The other two contracts shown are ...

Can You Play Deere For A Friday Morning Pop? It's Tricky.

Maybe, here is it's five day chart at the close on a Thursday. Yet a five day chart isn't going to help you in figuring out what is going to happen next.
Which way, up or down? Here are the slightly "out-of-the" money Calls as of a Thursday June 6th closing with one day to go in their trading life.
You can see more people like the upside than the downside? That's always the way it seems to be. Now here are some slightly "in-the-money" Puts.
The stock has gone sideways all week. The number of open contracts on these now "one-day" options are very light so that will have no effect on which way this stock will move. Recent history tells us that one day Friday reversals on this stock are a frequent occurance. Wait until it opens and moves in one direction and then get before it moves in opposite diection. Buy "out-of the-money" options and hope for a three dollar swing in the options. That's not much of a strategy and look at how few traders are playing that game. No one really is. Yet recent histories tells us one day reversals off this magnitude are a very common occurance. Is this a reckless trade? Yes very reckless. If however you are coming off a quick win from playing options on something else it might be something you might feel comfortable entertaining. Let's watch now and see how this situation plays itself. It tanked on the opening and quickly pulled itself up.
Here was the opportunity to play a reversal.
This all happened in the first hour of trading. Now here is how it was trading at 1:15 p.m.
Now the final one day chart.
Remember with option trading the rule is on Friday retail traders must be out of their option positons at 3 p.m.. Now the five day chart.
It's funny when you can double your money or make even more on a trading day when the stock really didn't do anything.


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