
Opportunities Presented by Options on $30.00 Stocks.

Let's start with this chart. It's Pfizer. Would you have expected a pop like this, this morning? Now look at what the Call options did. I don't want to get into a discussion of "Can you read charts" however after one nice rally yesterday and second follow up rally could be expected. The 29.50 series of Calls doubled on a strong opening this morning. "Out-of-the-money" Calls on stocks in the thirty dollar price range call sometimes suprise.

Caterpillar. It's Biggest Jump In One Day This Year

First, here is what the markets did today.
Now this.Look at the high and low on these options today. All Call option holders were rewarded beyond belief. These are the moves option players dream of. It's instituational money flexing their muscle.
This also.
This too.
Now what? You can't fight it and you can't buy in. Deere also is having a nice five day run. It's not that anything special is happening with these two companies.
Eight days ago in a blog I gave the example of how I bought a "330" series of Caterpillar Calls for two hundred and fifty five dollars. Had I bought the 330 series of Calls at that time with one more week of trading life in them they would have cost about $450.00 dollars. Today they would be worth over $3,200.00. This is not rocket scientist stuff. It is just something that has happened.


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