
Walmart- Milking A Good Thing

For the past month I have talked about Walmart. Where do people go shopping when times get tough. The markets on this Monday morning opened lower and then good old Walmart popped again. Look at these three series of this weeks Calls. I don't want to say this is going to happen forever but what a ride. It also goes to show you how 30 day Call options can be your best friend. Now this. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Perhaps Howard wrote this before options were a thing.

How Was Your Week Trading The Market?

With all the ups and downs it's hard to figure out what is going on. Look at these three stocks and the options on two of them. 1) Chargepoint. One series of calls on Chargepoint went up 58% yesterday in one day. It was a strong day for the markets.
2) Blink
Here are it's recent numbers and the company is big on self promotion.
The third stock I want to comment on is one called Wallbox. First a five day chart and then later a 'year-to-date chart'. I am not crazy about this stock because of the trading range it seems to be stuck in. It will only take off if it survives and starts to make money. Do your own research on this one. WallBox also scares me because of it's Barcelona" address. If it ends up merging with someone else you will be lucky to get your money back. My ongoing interest all three of these stocks is that the "range anxiety issue" that consumers seem to have for electric vehicles is slowly starting to go away. Even Trumph is now thinking that going "partially" electric is O.K...