
Boeing - A One Day Chart That I Now Like / Boeing and Deere

Here is is. Why do I like this chart? It spiked on high volume in the morning and volume came into it on the close. So here is what I did. If you see charts like this you could be also be doing this. On a cautionary note Boeing has hit a rough patch as of late but this trade might be good for a one dollar profit. If it happens take the money and run. If you miss a four dollar move to the upside so what. Here is a fill at 3:37 p.m. on a Tuesday which I could have got for less a few minutes later. I bought one contract for $2.01 or two hundred and one dollars. Here is Boeing's five day chart of torture. What might happen? Could it stumble on the morning trying to get fresh legs? Maybe. Here it is at noon the next day. Here is what I did. I am trying to show first time option traders the sizes of trades they can do. I got out at $2.42 at 11:12 a.m. It's American money. Look at the chart and see how it was trading then. What next? Today is now Wednesday which is a good day fo

Boeing On A Dip

First it's five day chart.
Stocks after a dip like this sometimes take time to recover. Buy nexts weeks Calls just slightly "out-of-the-money" and sell this week's Calls against them. Here are the two series we are talking about.
Now the series with the shorter expiracy date.
Buy the longer term Calls and sell the shorter term Calls and hope the shorter term Calls expire worthless. What caused Boeing to sell off so quickly? Airports were crowded over the long weekend that we just had. People where flying in record numbers. Now read this.
So what to think? Boeing, partially because of it's size is easy to criticize. Yet a few cleverly worded paragraghs should not be enough to set off alarm bells. One takeaway is that there is a risk involved in purchasing Boeing Call at 3:59 p.m. on a Friday afternoon, especially before a long weekend. This stock has struggled as of late. Now at look at the two options series we just talked about after the close today, a Thursday. On a percentage basis this weeks Call lost more than next weeks Calls..
After tomorrows closing (a Friday) I will tell you what all this means. Boeing sold off on Friday (
) and the 165 Calls that I suggested should be sold as part of a spread ended up expiring worthless Here they are.
Here now also is the closing reading on next weeks series of 165 Calls and Boeings five day chart on the week.
Doing this spread at this point in time kind of backfired because Boeing dipped again today. Yes you do get to keep the $157.00 you collected on the expired Call contract you sold however the offsetting 165 Call one would have purchased to create this spread is also down now. A bounce on Monday or Tuesday is now needed to save "next-weeks" Call option. Now Monday at 11:30 a.m.
At this point in time you are in a break even situation if you did the spread I talked about. It's not exactly a pleasant ride. Tuesday had news. Boeing always has news.
Tuesday. Did you get out of the 165 Calls yesterday to recoup last weeks investment? The 160 Calls are the ones that could now gain from a short term rally.
To be continued.


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