
Trump Media Technology Options With Three Days To Go.

On Tuesday just after 3:00 p.m the Trump Media Technology Options had stop traded again. What is the next 24 hours going to bring? Who knows. So many option traders follow this stock and most are afraid to buy either Call or Put Options on it because their premiums are so expensive. If Trumph wins the stock should soar and if he loses the stock will tank. The option premiums are priced expensively in both directions. Here now is how both the Calls and Puts traded on the opening today. First the Calls six minutes into the opening. Now the Puts. Now a look at how these options played the day. With a "stop trading" situation the option session ended a little bit early as evidenced in these following readings. Notice also how low the open interest number is in these Puts. Option traders for the most part opted to stay away from this situation. Now this. Trump wins. Here is how the 38 series of Calls traded just after the opening at 10:11 a.m.. The stock is up however the

Something Is Happening With Deere Calls.

You don't see this very often. I follow Deere options. First it's five day chart.
Now a look at the 410 Puts which expire at the end of the week. There is nothing strange about this. A few traders got in to play the downside.
Now the 410 Calls and what do you see?
819 contracts traded in the first ninety minutes of trading on this series of Calls that expire at the end of the week. A number of contracts this large tells us something. Or does it? Let's investigate further. Let's look at the volume of trading in the Deere Calls one striking price higher.
Why aren't more traders jumping into these ones if someone likes the 410 series so much? In the same sort of way why aren't traders jumping into next weeks Call options given the apparent spike in these Calls?
Now a check with "Yahoo" at noon to make sure these reported numbers are correct. Yes,the volume of Call options traded is now 855 contracts. More typical numbers would be 10 or 20.
Something happening here is strange. Earnings don't come out until prior to the markets opening on November 21st. Now here is how the same 410 series of Calls closed the day. They were way down.
To be continued.
Now this.
Now todays five day chart.
So what happened? What was all this smoke and mirrors all about? 1,045 Call contracts traded on the day in the 410 series of Deere Calls that expire on Friday but the "open interest number only went up by 116 contracts. Someone wasn't buying the 410 Calls on the crazy day of hugh trading. Someome was selling the Calls and buying them back before the markets closed on that same day!Forget the heading "Something Is Happening With Deere Calls" Someone with a fat bank account was out selling Calls and not buying them to make more money. Talk about swimming in a sea of sharks.


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