
Trying to Outguess The Markets

A few years back the markets crashed when Russia invaded Ukraine. The front pages of newspapers around the world at that time showed people trying to escape cities which were heavily shelled. Our heart's sank. How could such atrocities be happening? Why were schools and hospitals targeted? War is evil. Guess what? With Trump acting as a new dictator the world once again has gone awry. It's scary that one old man with so much power can abuse the system. What does all of this mean for option traders? It means time to sit on the sidelines. Yes you can jump in playing rebounds and catch some nice short term directional moves. You are basically trading against computers. Why not just sit it out and chill? Everything is amuck. Why be trying to make hero trades? Ironically enough some traders are being drawn into this action. Look at this chart. While its difficult to see because of a "pop-up" on the screen "Netflix rebounded over ten dollars a share after reboundin...

Learning To Pick Your Battles - Walmart One More Time.

In the last week or so I have done four blogs on Walmart and each time I seem to show situations where traders can eke out small profits tracking the 91 or 91 series of Call options. What is the logic in such an approach? Well look at Walmarts one year chart compared to two other charts I have provided.
The difference of coarse is that Walmart's trading pattern has an upwards bias. One other factor comes into play in helping to make Walmart interesting options to play. The one dollar spreads between the "bid" and "ask" unlike the two dollar and fifty cent spreads between the "bids' and "asks" on stocks like Caterpillar and Boeing. This has the effect of making small changes in a stocks price more playable. Walmart also seems to have "less chatter". What do I mean by this? Well its not like Boeing which has scares of doors coming lose on their airplanes or like Caterpillar which is having to constantly adjust the size of their workforce. Does all of this mean Walmart options are for option players who take pride in being risk adverse? Not really. You still have to quick and nimble. Walmart for example jumped on the opening this morning as I am writing this blog and the 91 series of Calls are up 92% in the first ten minutes of trading.
Then look at the 92 Puts between 9:39 a.m. and 9:55 a.m.
All this action happened in the first hour of trading! Walmart options while easy to play must be handled with respect. As a newbie looking at option trading I would suggest this is a good stock experiment with. Here is the morning chart which better explains how all this action happened.
How did Walmart end the day? Here is it's chart down below. If you caught the morning action you really wouldn't care.
The markets are closed tomorrow (thursday) for a presidential funeral so it's time to look at something else. Dicovering new opportunites is never hard to do.


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